That's right! JASA's T-shirt Contest opens today! Anyone can enter! The winner will receive a free T-shirt!
Here are the rules:
- must use the template shown above
- should have "Japanese American Student Association at UMCP", "JASA", "日米学会", or something referencing JASA on it (DUH!)
- max 2 colors
- t-shirt background may be white or black
- may be 1-sided or 2-sided
- no gradients or halftones
- no references to copyrighted material (anime, videogames, etc..)
- avoid using the rising sun flag>
, as it was once a sign of the Japanese Imperial Military and is offensive to some
- email your submission to jasaumd@gmail.com and put "JASA T-shirt" in the subject line. Include your name please.
- Deadline: Feb. 1